It is with a most heavy heart that I write this post. I don’t come here nearly as often as I should but seem to find this my therapy when I have nowhere else to turn.

Last week we had to say goodbye to Evie. Hollishill Evangeline. Tessi’s mother…the “Mamma Bear”.


Within twenty four hours she went from a happy, healthy, running around playing with her laser light cat, to not being able to walk, blind and suffering seizures.

While we will never know the exact cause, we ran every test possible other than a brain scan and everything was normal. They lean towards a brain tumor, but of course, we will always wonder.


The last eight days have been difficult. It is always  hard to say goodbye to a beloved family member. While difficult, when it is their time, after a long life… it is expected. This was in no way expected and hit us like a brick… or better yet… a semi…barreling down the highway.


We are adjusting to our new “normal” around here. Tessi has ceased using that heart wrenching moan as she searches all of her mother’s favorite resting spots. Bob has stopped commenting on the fact that his lap is empty as that was her favorite place to spend evenings. Teddy is another story.

I started this blog because he was something “special”. Not your typical cat. He runs to the door when the bell rings. Doesn’t have an enemy. Has never met a stranger.

His reaction to the loss of the Mamma Bear is something I have never seen in my lifetime of having (and losing) pets.


Theodore is very social and for that reason appears to have been hit the hardest by the passing of Evie. He doesn’t play. He no longer sits in the window and watches the birds. He hasn’t dropped his mouse at my feet to play fetch since she left us.  It’s getting better. He’s slowly coming around. Thankfully he’s continued to eat or I would be a complete mess.





He is lost without the leader of the pack. We all are. While I joke about him being a total pain in the ass…I am overwhelmed by how he wears his heart on his sleeve. I didn’t see this coming.

The last week has been very difficult. Evie would have been seven on Saturday. On Saturday we raised the roof on our catio. Bob finally gave in and was building a haven for the cats to go outside. It was bittersweet. She would be happy, I’m sure, that we were continuing…but, it’s hard to think she won’t be out there. Basking in the sun.

Hopefully I’ll be better about posting. But, then again… I’ve said that before.

Thank you to whoever reads this for taking the time to listen.

To the Mamma Bear…
The hardest thing I could do was let you go but it was the greatest gift I could give you. Rest in peace, my friend. May the rainbow bridge be all we imagine it to be. We will always love you. Your short time here, made it Heaven on Earth for us. ♥










Hugs and Purrs,

About Arline Grant

I'm a forty something grandmother who loves taking photos of my grandkids and my cats. I have three Maine Coons. Theodore, Tesserae and Evangeline. I enjoy photography, gardening and cruising around on a Harley. Happy Shooting and Blogging.
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  1. Maggie May says:

    *tears* we are so very sad to read about your precious Evie. Our hearts break for you and the whole gang. This was a beautiful tribute with stunning photos of your girl. We know she was loved and will be greatly missed. You are in our thoughts during this very sad time.
    (((hugs))) & ❤
    Maggie May and Mom

  2. Arline:

    Sending my sincerest sympathies; I know how devastating this is to you; your family and Tessi and Theo. Seek solace in each other and allow Tessi and Theo to grieve with you, for they will, and do miss Evie as well.

    We never seem to have enough time with them, and it hurts like hell when they leave because they become a part of our heart and soul.

    Having said that, please remember Evie is not truly gone; as she WILL live on in your heart and soul until you see her again…she will never be more than a heartbeat away.

    As she watches over you; she will leave a subtle sign, maybe more than one, to let you know she is alright, and heaven…her new “address” is more beautiful than words can express.

    Watch for a sign from Evie, she will send it when you need it the most.

    God’s speed to you Evie, you are and always will be a beautiful girl


    Laura & Da Tabbies O Trout Towne

    • Arline Grant says:

      Thank you so very much for your kind and loving words. I think only other animal lovers know the depth of our sorrow when they take leave. My last two cats lived until 16 and 20. Seven does not seem the least bit fair.

      I know she is at peace and no longer suffering. As hard as it was to let her know… it was the greatest gift I could give to her.

      Her memory lives on. Yesterday, writing this post was the first time I could truly sit and look through photos without completely breaking down.

      Hugs each of yours for me. Love to everyone at Trout Towne.

  3. Zoolatry says:

    Our heart is breaking for you, what a beautiful girl ~ may her days beyond the rainbow be as beautiful as she …

  4. phthalyl says:

    I am sorry. Rest in peace.

  5. cecilia07 says:

    We are so sorry to read of Evie’s sudden passing. Each pressure pet leaves a paw print on our hearts
    Madi and mom

  6. TK says:

    Arline, we send condolences and prayers of comfort to you, Bob, Teddy and Tessi for your heart-wrenching loss. The boys are purring that you will find comfort in your grief. She was a beautiful girl and obviously loved by all.

  7. Brian says:

    We are so very, very sorry to hear about your Evie. We know how difficult it is as we have been there. It is hard to believe but eventually your heart will smile at the thoughts of the loving memories. We all send you our love and lots of gentle hugs.

  8. Marg says:

    WE are so so sorry for your loss. What a horrible thing to have happen. But you are so correct, that the greatest gift you could give to Mama Bear. She certainly had lots of love with all of you. Our thoughts and prayers sure are with you. Big hugs.

  9. Crepes says:

    We heard about Evie and wanted to express our condolences. laura is right – they’re never around long enough. There’s no “right time” for them to go. We’re so very sorry for your loss and send you lots of purrs and comfort. Alana and Crepes.

  10. Losing a beloved furry is always hard, but so unexpectedly … and so young! Your cats must have been close to grieve so for Evie. We are so very sorry. Sending a hug, purrs and tail wags..

    • Arline Grant says:

      Thank you!! It has been more difficult than any pet loss I have ever suffered. I’m sure it was the unexpected, quick nature of it all. When they are old I believe we are more prepared… even their fellow family pet friends. I have been shocked at how overwhelmed with grief Theodore has been and search every chance I can for a distraction to occupy his broken heart. Thank you for your kind words. Hugs and Purrs. Arline

  11. RedSetter says:

    I’m so sorry I didn’t find your blog before this but just wanted to stop by and say how heart sorry I am for all of you. This is such a dignified post of a well loved cat who was adored. She was absolutely gorgeous and I hope you can find some comfort and solace in your loss. I will be keeping you in my prayers.

  12. Arline, I was exactly where you are last year about this time when I unexpectedly lost my little love, Tom. It is never easy, the only comfort to come is from those who need you still and love you, in spite of their own grieving. They say the feline brain is the closest to our own emotionally. I truly believe that. They feel the hurt, pain and loss as we do. Mamma Bear Evie was a beautiful cat, even very close to a Coon like ours. We extend our condolences to all of you, coming straight from the heart. We are so sorry for your loss. xx

    • Arline Grant says:

      THANK YOU!!!!! I have been amazed by the depth of Teddy’s grief in the loss of Evie. I believe you nailed it about them being so emotionally like us. I know when I have been sick or something bothers me they are more sensitive, but this took on a life of it’s own for him. Goes to show that they were just has shocked as I was. Hugs and Purrs to you and yours.

  13. Pingback: Rest In Peace, Evie | The Cat Blogosphere

  14. I am so very sorry about your loss of Evie. I can tell from the loving tribute that you wrote she was much loved and gave that love back to you double. I do know words are of little comfort at this time but this is a place where your sadness and loss is well understood and we all hold you up in purrs and prayers.

  15. dmricciardi says:

    much love and prayers for healing, peace and comfort. . . RIP Evie. . .you are in God’s loving arms now. . . ❤

  16. Old Kitty says:

    We are so sorry to read about beautiful amazing and unique Evie. What a gorgeous star! We send special hugs to Theodore and Tessi, poor loves. Please take care

  17. Forty Paws says:

    I’m so sorry about Evie. It is so hard to lose a 4-legged one, especially when it is so unexpected. Many hugs and purrs and purrayers to you at this difficult time.

    Luf, Us and Maw

  18. Karen Jo says:

    I am so very sorry that Evie left you so suddenly. I think that hurts worse than knowing that they are ill and half-expecting it. I have lost cats both ways. She was too young to go like that. I send loving hugs and all eight kitties send comforting purrs.

    • Arline Grant says:

      Thank you so much. It certainly does catch you off guard. Each day is a bit better. We learn a new normal and we march on. Thank you for your kind words. I am sorry for your losses as well. Hugs and Purrs.

  19. June says:

    I’m so very sorry and saddened for your loss of your beautiful Evie.

    I know how you are feeling, and how much it hurts and how heavy your broken heart is, and how your heart is aching. I know. Yesterday marked 15 weeks to the day that we had to say goodbye to our beloved and beautiful little Bindo, who would’ve been nine years old next month, and who we lost so very unexpectedly and quickly.

    What has helped and comforted me during those first days of shock and the weeks that have followed was and still is a blog called Healing Pet Loss.

    Your beautiful little Mamma Bear Evie, like our beautiful little B, and like all the feline and canine companions and furry best friends that we’ve loved and have crossed over to that special bridge, will always be with us, and will always be alive – in our hearts, in our loving memories of them. They always knew and felt how very much they were loved – and still are and always will be loved – by us.

    Physical death cannot rob us of that love or those beautiful memories. They will always be with us. Yes, it still hurts me. It always will. Yes, it still breaks my heart. I still miss and always will miss my beautiful little B.

    But in a very, very special way, he’s still with me, and always will be.

    Just as your beautiful Evie is with you, and always will be.

    • Arline Grant says:

      Thank you so much for taking the time to send such a beautiful and heartfelt message. I’m so sorry for the loss of your Little B. The unexpected ones certainly do a job on us, don’t they? I hope the happiest of memories always make you smile, warm your heart and remind you that you are not alone. I believe they are always with us. The pawprints they leave on our hearts never go away. The loss doesn’t go away, we just find a “new normal” and carry on. The way they would want us to. Sending you hugs and purrs.

  20. Ellen Pilch says:

    Sorry for your loss. What a beautiful written and photographic tribute to Evie.

    • Arline Grant says:

      Thank you so much, Ellen. For the first week I couldn’t even go through the photos I have on my computer of her. Now I am so very thankful that I have them.

  21. Fuzzy Tales says:

    I just read Ann’s email about Evie’s sudden passing, and while I don’t know you or your family (fur and otherwise), I wanted to stop by to express my sadness and understanding, my condolences. I lost my first adoptee very suddenly one night, some years back, and only too well remember the utter shock and devastation.

    I know full well that no words any of us writes will help you as you journey through your grief, but please do know that so many of have been there and understand.

    Several years ago I read a blog comment to the effect that none of us ever “gets over” a loss, we merely adjust to the absence of the beloved. True words. I’m sending you universal healing Light for peace, and my boys Nicki and Derry are sending their purrs.


    • Arline Grant says:

      Your words, and the words of others are certainly helping me with this journey. It’s good to know there are others out there that feel the same way… that pets are part of the family, that is. I am sorry for the loss of your first adoptee. Any loss is sad, but it certainly is those sudden unexplained ones that completely rock our world. Please give extra hugs to Nicki and Derry for me!!

  22. we are so very sorry…..she sounds like a wonderful girl and is being truly missed. we hope at some point happy memories will help you all heal…maybe on the catio

    • Arline Grant says:

      Thank you, Random Felines.
      I know she will always be with us and will smile down on any and all cats that are able to enjoy the enclosure, aptly named in her memory. ♥

  23. Lynn Hambley says:

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I wish I knew what to say,but do know I care. Seven years isn’t enough. I do believe dealing with that blow makes it so much harder on you and your other two babies. I too lost my cat Katie much too soon and I remember how unfair it was. I wished that somehow I would have only know how precious each day with her had been. Know that you and your whole family are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that your grief is soon replaced with only fond memories of your Evie.

  24. mariodacat says:

    Oh dear, our heart is breaking for you and your family. It’s so hard when we have to say goodbye to our precious furbabies. As hard as it must have been for you, you gave Evie your last act of love to let her go in peace and not suffer. I feel so bad for your other special boy too – he’s also grieving. Poor dear, I’m sure he doesn’t understandf what has happened to her. Thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this difficult time.

  25. Bhu and I are so sad to learn this sweet beauty has gone to the bridge! Your photos are beautiful and we hope your family heals well! xoxo Patty

  26. says:

    Oh Arline! I came home from vacation and am sitting with Harry Cat curled around my neck and purring in my ear. And then I opened your email. My heart breaks for you your kitties and your family. I’m speechless . Please know that Evvie knew that she had found the best place to live. She was always safest in your care. Bless her as she wins first in show each day at the Rainbow Bridge. Love, Gerry

    Sent from my android device.

  27. Cinnamon says:

    Run free sweet little kitty cat.
    Ann from Zoolarty sent us over.
    May peace be with at this difficult time.
    xo Cinnamon

  28. Katie Isabella says:

    I am deeply sorry about your Evie. And about your sweet ones grief that she is gone. We cannot take their pain and bewilderment away nor make them feel better. That is, just as it is with we humans a long time recovery. My condolences and I know how you feel. It is a deep pain. Blessings . Please do keep up with yd and let us know how you are? xxoo hugs.

    • Arline Grant says:

      Thank you so much. Your words mean so much. It is a long process to heal. Bit by bit we will adjust to our new “normal”. I hope you stop back by now and again to see how things are. We welcome the visitors. Teddy should be taking the blog back over soon. Hugs to you and yours. ♥

  29. Purrs to you on your loss.

  30. So sorry to meet you under these circumstances. I feel your loss – each cat is beloved and takes a piece of our heart with them when they leave us. The ones left behind will adjust in time – I tell mine what happened to the missing kitty and if possible let them see the body. I talk to my kitties about the missing one. They grieve just like us and it helps them to know that it all goes on. Evvie is still with you all, in your heart and memories. With sympathy,

    • Arline Grant says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words and sympathy. I think the suddenness of her passing caught the others by surprise as well. When they are old and ill they seem to know but since she went down hill so very quickly and was gone in less than a day (a day spent at the vet trying to figure out what was wrong) they are very confused. I brought home some of her hair and tell them constantly what is going on. Her remains will be back on Wednesday and well again address the subject. They are adjusting. Just so sad to see them suffer with sadness.

  31. Team Tabby says:

    So sorry to hear you have lost sweet Evie, we send our purrs to comfort you.


  32. bichonpawz says:

    I am so very sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace.

  33. hannahandlucy says:

    We are so sorry to hear about your Evie going to Rainbow Bridge, we didn’t know her but it doesn’t mean we don’t feel your pain. We know ourselves how hard it is to lose a special companion from your lives. Take care.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx + Sue

  34. We heard about Evie at the Cat Blogosphere and wanted to tell you that we’re very sorry for your loss. We send you comforting purrs and gentle headbutts. Purrs

    • Arline Grant says:

      Dear Swiss Cats,
      Thank you so much for stopping by. The love and prayers coming from Cat Blogosphere has been overwhelming and heartwarming. Hugs and purrs to you and yours.

  35. We are so very sad for your loss – a loss that has hit hardest because it was so unexpected – those are tough. Hopefully knowing she’s not suffering and is watching over all of you forever – waiting – will help heal your heavy hearts. We send love and purrs and hope for happier days ahead…….

    Sammy and his Mom Pam

  36. Mags Corner says:

    We did not have the pleasure of knowing your sweet, beautiful Evie. From your tribute we can see she was very special. We are so sorry that she left you so suddenly. Our heart is hurting for you and the fur sweeties. Know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers. We are just so sorry for your loss. Hugs and nose kisses

    • Arline Grant says:

      Thank you so very much for your kind words. She was a love. More beautiful on the inside than out…and she was certainly beautiful on the outside. We miss her and have heavy hearts but know that she looks down and would hate to see us cry. Hugs and purrs!

  37. Our hearts are breaking for you. Evie was a lovely lady who was very lucky to have such a loving family for the time she had on Earth. Comforting purrs and hugs. ~Socks, Scylla, Fenris, Tuiren & Alasandra

    • Arline Grant says:

      Thank you so very much for visiting and for your kind words. I hope you are able to stop back by as we continue on our journey. Hopefully will smiling, silly posts that we are normally accustomed to around here. Our hearts are heavy as we learn to get through the day without her. I still expect her to jump on my lap as I sit here at the computer, or steal Bob’s spot on the bed when he gets up in the morning. Her daughter still looks for her and Teddy can be found in her favorite spots…just staring at the wall. ….to everything there is a season… we shall smile again over the happier memories. ♥

  38. Angela Recker says:

    I am so very sorry for your tremendous loss. I know your pain. I lost my beloved Patches 8/14/12, just 4 days after I was released from the hospital. He was still at the vets where I had him in boarding while I spent 8 days in the hospital. I never got to bring him home.
    I know Patches ran to greet your baby as soon as she arrived at the Rainbow Bridge! He was very friendly to the point that I called him the Ambassador! He greeted everyone who came in, allowed those who permitted it to cuddle him & sat “just close enough” to those who preferred some distance! He was SO smart – smarter than any of my ex boyfriends!
    It will take some time but you will find the tears replaced by smiles. You may also find that you feel her presence around you. I believe that when we need them most our beloved furbabies do come around to help us or just say hi. Relish those moments!
    Sending you & your family prayers, love & hugs.

  39. We are so sorry for your loss. Evie was a stunning kittycat, and we can tell, much loved.
    ~ The Bunch and Mom Bobbie

  40. Clooney says:

    Our hearts too are full of sadness for you and your family with the sudden and unexpected loss of your precious Evie. Sending each of you our gentlest purrs and holding you in our thoughts and prayers. Much love to Tessi and Teddy as they grieve the loss of their beloved Mamma Bear.

    Be Well Sweet Evie

  41. Poor kitty. She was absolutely stunning. Rest in peace, little darling, and courage to your family.

  42. Oh, Arline.I am so sorry to learn this sad news about your precious Evie. I said goodbye to my kitty one week ago yesterday so I am definitely keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Much love to you, and gentle wishes to Tessi and Teddy. Dear sweet Evie, a grey kitty named Cassie will meet you at the Rainbow Bridge (if she has not already). xo xo xo

  43. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so hard. Purrs from all of us at the House of the Mostly Black Cats.

  44. Timmy Tomcat says:

    I am sorry we are so late in posting this support. Maybe that is better as it will come in later days when things are quiet and that is when the sorrow comes.
    She was a beautiful cat. Our last loss also impacted the family. Many say animals cannot feel things such as loss but we with a close connection know better.
    I do hope you post as I will be back to visit.
    Dad Pete and the Furs

    • Arline Grant says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words. It is true that sorrow comes in quiet times and when least expected.
      Theodore has started to come around. He is doing better. More the crazy boy we all know and love. Her daughter still randomly walks through the house with that call she only used for the Mamma Bear. Time heals all things. Hoping to get a “happy” post out soon. Between sadness and being so busy with construction I haven’t sat down to write again and I certainly need to.

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